GeoPosition Further Information

Coordinate- and Datum-Transformation

For all coordinate systems based on transverse Mercator (UTM, Gauß-Krüger, MGRS, GGRS87, LUREF) the formulas of Prof. Dr. Louis Krüger, published in „Konforme Abbildung des Erdellipsoids in der Ebene, Neue Folge 52, Potsdam 1912“, are used. For UPS the formulas for stereographic projection, published by John P. Snyder in „Map Projections – A Working Manual, USGS Professional Paper 1395 (1987)“, are used. For Mercator projection the formulas, published in Wikipedia, are used.

For the coordinate systems Swiss Grid CH1903+/LV95 und CH1903/LV03-M (Schweizer Landeskoordinaten) the formulas are used, which are published by the Swiss Federal Office of Topography in the document "Formulas and constants for the calculation of the Swiss conformal cylindrical projection and for the transformation between coordinate systems, October 2008“.

Reference Applications

The following reference applications can be used to verify the calculations of GeoPosition before you report an error in calculation:

Datum Lists (Geodetic Systems)

GeoPosition implements over 280 datums published before 03/2011 on the following lists:

For the datum „EUROPEAN 1950, Mean“ the 7-parameter variant of the MSP GEOTRANS library is used and for the datum „ORDNANCE GB 1936, Mean“ the 7-Parameter variant published on the web site Ordnance Survey. Generally the 7-parameter variant of a datum is preferred (e.g. from the NATO datum list) when both variants are published. So, this results in deviations to calculations with the 3-parameter variants of these datums, especially when they are used outside their dedicated regions.

If you need further datums in GeoPosition, list at least one reliable source for the datum. These datums will be implemented promptly in the next version.

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